I Cant deny that I’m a lucky chap to see so many different parts of the world through work. and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to go to Tokyo. Its not all play, although I generally don’t write too much about the work aspect I was over in Tokyo working for 59Productions to make sure all the video kit was prepped for the Japanese rehearsals of Les Miserable. It was 4 days in a studio space, prepping kit, making it work/ communicate with each other and conveying to the Japanese company providing the hardware, what we required. The day I flew to Seoul, i had the morning available to look around Tokyo.
I eventually got to the area and went into Bic Camera which is a MASSIVE electronics/gadgets etc store in which I lost a couple of hours looking at stuff. There wasn’t anything there you couldn’t get off the internet but it was pretty overwhelming to have all of this technology under one roof! I made it back to the hotel, got a lift to the airport and by 21:00 that evening I was at my hotel in Seoul.
This job is another move of the Korean version of Les Miserable on which I’m working with Simon Wait installing the automation for the show and also overseeing the projection. Its day 3 and we’ve got allot fo the bulk of things in. Yesterday we got all the floor laid and there was allot of time spent on the floor running in belts and plugging up motors. Its noisy, long days, some standing around waiting then a flurry of work bit its a good bunch here so were all merrily getting on with things.
So now, according to the news North korea is at war with South Korea. It still seems pretty chilled out here in Seoul and non of the locals seem very bothered. Seems like another empty threat from the fresh faced Kim Jong Un but no-one really knows. Its good that everyone is just getting on as normal, why let a little war threat get in the way of things!